Contact Us

Any complaint / problem encountered can be reported to BDO Customer Contact Center:

Hotline: (+632) 8888-0000

Outside Metro Manila
(PLDT/Globelines) : #8888-0000
For landline only, press # followed by 8888-0000

International Toll-Free Nos.: IAC +800-8-CALLBDO (2255-236)

Area Coverage Contact Numbers
Hotline: (+632) 8888-0000
Outside Metro Manila: #8888-0000 (PLDT)
#8888-0000 (Globelines)
International Toll-Free No.: (International Access Code) +800-8-CALLBDO (2255-236)
Guam 1-888-747-2621
Saudi Arabia 00800-863-0011
UAE 00800-0630-0021

You may access BDO Phone Banking by dialing the following numbers:

Country International Telephone Companies IAC
Australia OPTUS 0011
Austria TATA 00
Belgium ICS (reachable via major mobile number operators: Proximus, TLNT, Orange, Lycatel) 00
Brazil TATA (reachable via Brazil Telecom, Telefonica, Embratel, Intelig, Telemar) 0021
Canada TATA 011
China China Tel 00
Cyprus Cyta 00
France Orange 00
Germany DTAG 00
Greece OTE 00
Hawaii Verizon 00
Hongkong Reach HK 00
Italy Tel. Italia 00
Israel TATA 0014
Japan Softbank 0061010
Korea KT 001
Malaysia TM 00
Netherlands iBasis 00
New Zealand TNZL 00
Singapore Singtel 001
Spain DTAG 00
Switzerland Swisscom 00
Taiwan CHT-I 00
Thailand CAT 001
UK BT (reachable via 02, 3, Orange, T Mobile, Vodaphone, BT Mobile) 00
USA Verizon 00

Contact us


BDO Corporate Center:

7899 Makati Avenue Makati City 0726, Philippines Trunkline: (+632) 8840-7000


BDO Contact Center:

Hotline: (+632) 8888-0000

Outside Metro Manila

(PLDT/Globelines): #8888-0000

(For landline only, press # followed by 8888-0000)

International Toll-Free:

(IAC)+800-8-CALLBDO (2255-236)

(See list of IAC here)


This channel is dedicated to handling online banking enrollment and/or updating of registered online banking contact information of overseas clients. For phishing reports, please send the email to