
BDO提供多重管道以服務客戶,如BDO網路銀行、BDO 支付、以及遍佈全國多台自動櫃員機和分行


Accepted IDs for Account Opening
  1. Passport (with English characters)
  2. Driver's License issued by LTO
  3. Taiwan ID (Republic of China)
  4. Unified Multi- Purpose ID (UMID)
  5. Social Security System (SSS) ID
  6. Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) ID
  7. School ID (for minors)
  8. NBI Clearance
  9. PNP Clearance with dry seal
  10. Philippine Postal ID
  11. Voter's ID
  12. Tax Identification Number (TIN) ID
  13. Barangay Certification with dry seal
  14. Government Service and Insurance System (GSIS) ID
  15. PhilHealth ID
  16. Senior Citizen ID
  17. Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) ID
  18. Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) ID
  19. Seaman's Book
  20. Government Office and GOCC ID (e.g. AFP, HDMF)
  21. Certification from the National Council for the Welfare of Disabled Persons (NCWDP)
  22. Person with Disability (PWD) ID issued by National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA)
  23. DSWD Certification
  24. Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) ID
  25. Company IDs issued by private entities registered with or supervised or regulated either by BSP, SEC or IC
  26. Maritime Industry Authority  (MARINA) ID


* 1張有效身分證件。如: 護照、駕駛執照、台灣身分證(中華民國)、菲律賓統一多功能身份卡(UMID)、社會保險卡(SSS ID)、菲律賓身份證(PhilySys ID) 或學校學生證(適用於未成年人)


* 您的 BDO 客戶經理可能會要求提供其他文件


