ⓘ Please note that the BDO Peso Bond Fund (PBF) used in this calculator pertains to the new PBF (formerly the BDO Peso Fixed Income Fund). For investors of the original PBF (which was terminated last February 10, 2017) who opted to continue their investments in the new PBF, please use the updated investment details found in your new Confirmation of Participation (COP) when using this calculator.
The results of this UITF Yield Calculator may not be accurate and may differ from your actual investment and its returns. This calculator only provides indicative returns. The UITF Net Asset Value per unit (NAVpu) indicated above may be subject to adjustment. In the event that the selected admission/redemption date(s) has no available NAVpu, the computation shall be based on the previous banking day's NAVpu. The final NAVpu for your UITF participation is that appearing in your relevant Confirmation of Participation (COP) and the final NAVpu for your redemption is that appearing in the Daily Net Asset Value per unit Table found in BDO Trust's website as the NAVpu on your redemption date.
The results likewise do not include 1) for investments in BDO Institutional Cash Reserve Fund - the applicable IMA/trust fees of the accounts which invested in the ICRF; and 2) for investments in BDO UITFs with minimum holding periods - the applicable early redemption fees.
BDO shall not be liable for any loss/potential loss on the part of a UITF participant that may arise from the inaccuracy of the figures/results appearing in this calculator. To get the actual yield of your investment, please visit or call your BDO branch.
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