Ready to take the next step with BDO Finance?

Here are the applications requirements for your business needs

Complete the requirements for a smooth application process

- Registration Certificate from SEC
- Articles of Incorporation
- By-Laws
- Taxpayer's Identification Numbers (TIN) of signatories
- Community Tax Certificate Numbers of signatories
- Corporate Residence Certificate Number

- Registration Certificate from SEC
- Articles of co-partnership
- Notarized special power of attorney from all partners authorizing the partnership to lease / loan from BDO Leasing and Finance Inc., up to a designated amount and designating the person/s authorized to sign for and behalf of the partnership
- Taxpayer's Identification Numbers (TIN) of the partnership and signatories

- Registration Certificate from the Bureau of Trade and Industry
- Taxpayer's Identification Number (TIN) of the owner
- Community Tax Certificate of the owner
- Should you have any concern regarding the application requirements, feel free to contact us. We would be more than glad to provide assistance.

Contact us


BDO Finance Head Office:

39th Floor, BDO Corporate Center Ortigas, 12 ADB Avenue, Ortigas Center, Mandaluyong City


For Mortgage Loan Accounts:

(+632) 8888-0000
(+632) 8688-1288 local nos. 45317 and 45457

For Finance Leases, Operating Leases, and other concerns:

(+632) 8888-0000
(+632) 8688-1228 local nos. 45410 and 44894

BDO Finance Corporation is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and supervised by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP).

BDO Finance supports the Consumer Protection Program. For any concerns, you may call (02) 8840-7000 or (02) 8688-1288 local 45410 or email