Virtual Installment Card Calculator

Let's Start

Monthly Rate
Factor Rate
Monthly Amortization



    1. All amounts quoted are in Philippine Peso
    2. Rates are exlusives to qualified employees of partner BDO Payroll companies only and may change without prior notice.
    3. All computations are for illustration purposes only. These do not constitute an approval nor an offer by BDO.
    4. BDO may assign a credit limit lower than the desired Cash Installment availment amount.
    5. An Installment Availment Fee of 200 for successful Cash Installment transaction will be billed and reflected
        in your Statement of Account.
    6. Cash Installment applications are subject for approval of BDO. Once approved, the Terms and Conditions Governing
        the Issuance and Use of Virtual Installment Card, and the prevailing fees and charges shall apply.


Ready to apply for a Cash Installment via Virtual Installment Card?

Fill up the Virtual Installment Card application form then submit to your Company HR or your BDO Branch Account.

  Download Form