BDO Cash Installment Terms and Conditions
- Cash Installment is available to the qualified principal credit Cardholders of BDO (Mastercard, Visa, Diners Club, JCB, UnionPay) and qualified principal credit Cardholders of BDO-issued American Express Credit Cards. Distribution Cards, Purchasing Cards, Corporate Cards, Simple Cards, Tie-Up Cards, and International Dollar Cards are excluded from this program.
- BDO shall have the absolute and exclusive right to approve or reject applications for Cash Installment. BDO has the sole discretion to approve only a portion of the amount applied for, without prior notification to the Cardholder. In case of rejection of the application, BDO is under no obligation to notify the Cardholder of the said rejection and of the reason thereof.
- The Cash Installment application may no longer be canceled by the Cardholder once received by BDO. Cardholder shall have the obligation to contact BDO for confirmation of the status of the Cash Installment application. BDO may, at its sole and absolute option, accommodate Cardholder's request to accelerate the charging of the remaining unbilled monthly amortization/s , but the total remaining balance after the acceleration must be paid in full. The Cardholder will be charged an installment processing fee of 5% of the total remaining balance or ₱300, whichever is higher. After BDO has approved the Cardholder's acceleration, the total accelerated amount and the installment processing fee shall form part of the total outstanding amount due for the pertinent monthly billing cycle and must be paid in full.
- The Cardholder acknowledges liability to BDO for any Cash Installment request that has been implemented and the amount of Cash Installment transaction together with interest and penalty charges, if any, will form part of the Cardholder’s payment obligation to his/her BDO Credit Card.
- For Cash Installment proceeds release via a nominated deposit account, the proceeds of the availment shall be deposited by BDO in at least 3 banking days from the Cash Installment transaction posting date in the BDO Credit Card account. The Cardholder acknowledges that the availability of the funds in the Cardholder's nominated deposit account shall be subject to the nominated bank’s check acceptance policy and terms and conditions.
In case the deposit of Cash Installment proceeds is unsuccessful, BDO shall correspondingly reverse the Cash Installment transaction posted in the BDO Credit Card account. The Cardholder acknowledges the responsibility to check and ensure availability of cleared cash proceeds prior any withdrawal and/or use of the funds.
Interest and penalty charge, if any, will be computed from Cash Installment transaction posting date in the BDO Credit Card account.
- An Installment Availment Fee of ₱200 for every approved Cash Installment transaction will be billed and reflected in the Cardholder’s Statement of Account. This is non-refundable and will be payable even if Cardholder decides to pay the entire remaining Cash Installment balance before the end of the payment term.
- The Cash Installment principal amount, together with interest and Installment Availment Fee, will be deducted from, and should be within, the Cardholder's available credit limit.
- The principal and interest components of the monthly amortizations are computed based on diminishing balance and may differ from month to month.
Monthly amortizations due on the Cash Installment transaction together with the actual monthly interest and penalty charge, if any, shall be billed to the Cardholder and shall commence on the Cardholder’s next statement and every month thereafter until the end of the installment term.
- The Cardholder acknowledges that there may be a slight difference between the actual monthly amortization billed and the computed monthly amortization presented in a sample computation, such as but not limited to, sample computation published in the website or relayed by BDO via a recorded call.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Cardholder acknowledges that the agreed periodic amortization computed using the corresponding factor rate may differ from the amortization computed and generated by BDO system due to rounding off of the corresponding factor rate, which is automated in BDO’s system. Cardholder consents and authorizes BDO to round off the corresponding factor rate in the computation of the agreed periodic amortization and accepts any change in the factor rate, including the amortization amount as a result thereof. The Cardholder acknowledges that the final monthly amortization amount will be the amount reflected in the Statement of Account.
- In cases of suspension, cancellation and/or non-renewal of the BDO Credit Card or BDO Installment Card due to non-payment or breach of the terms and conditions governing the use of the card, all unpaid amounts under the Cash Installment transaction as well as the outstanding balance in the Cardholder’s account shall become due and demandable for immediate payment.
- The Cardholder acknowledges that BDO, in its sole judgement, may discontinue Cash Installment at any given time and Cardholder shall have no claim whatsoever against BDO for the termination of Cash Installment. However, this shall not affect any existing availment of the program by the Cardholder.
- Cash Installment rates may vary per availment transaction, and shall be subject to BDO's discretion.
- All transactions are subject to BDO’s approval and once approved, shall be subject to the terms and conditions herein set forth and the Terms and Conditions Governing the Issuance and Use of BDO Credit Cards and Terms and Conditions Governing the Issuance and Use of BDO Installment Card. Once cash proceeds are posted to the deposit account nominated by the Cardholder, the terms and conditions governing the said deposit account shall apply.
- The Terms and Conditions Governing the Issuance and Use of the BDO Credit Cards and Terms and Conditions Governing the Issuance and Use of BDO Installment Card shall continue to apply to the Cash Installment transactions. In case of conflict between the above stated provisions and the Terms and Conditions Governing the Issuance and Use of BDO Credit Cards or BDO Installment Card, the above provisions shall prevail in matters relating to the Cash Installment availment.
- The Cardholder’s use/availment of the Cash Installment constitutes the Cardholder’s agreement to the above Terms and Conditions.
- The above Terms and Conditions shall also apply to existing EasyPay Cash, Cash-It-Easy, and BDO Installment Card cash availment transactions. BDO may amend and supplement the Terms and Conditions from time to time.
Contact us
BDO Corporate Center:
7899 Makati Avenue Makati City 0726, Philippines Trunkline: (+632) 8840-7000
BDO Contact Center:
Hotline: (+632) 8888-0000
Outside Metro Manila
(PLDT/Globelines): #8888-0000
(For landline only, press # followed by 8888-0000)
International Toll-Free:
This channel is dedicated to handling online banking enrollment and/or updating of registered online banking contact information of overseas clients. For phishing reports, please send the email to