BDO Credit Card Undertaking

You agree to the BDO Credit Card Undertaking when you reply CC YES to our Viber message.

I hereby certify that all information and documents given in this application are true and correct. I understand that non-disclosure and/or falsification of information and documents herein required shall be grounds for the disapproval of my application, immediate termination of my credit card privileges once approved, and/or legal action against me.
I recognize that BDO is committed to ensuring the confidentiality of my information under R.A. No. 1405 (Bank Secrecy Law of 1955) as amended, R.A. No. 8791 (General Banking Law of 2000) as amended, R.A. No. 6426 (The Foreign Currency Deposit Act) subject to applicable law, and will exert reasonable efforts to protect against unauthorized use or disclosure. However, I understand that information regarding my deposit account/s with BDO may be inquired to, or disclosed, in relation to the evaluation of my application, as may be required by applicable rules and laws, and/or to ensure a successful debit under an Auto-Debit Payment Arrangement with my deposit account/s with BDO should I decide to avail of the Auto-Debit Payment Facility for my BDO Credit Card, and/or to ensure successful posting of cash proceeds, as the case may be. I further authorize BDO to conduct random verification with the BIR, any other appropriate governmental authorities or third parties including banks and financial institutions to establish authenticity of the information declared and documents submitted (e.g. bank statements, certificate of employment, payslips and income tax return) in relation to the processing and evaluation of my application. I acknowledge that BDO may issue a card type different from my card of preference based on the evaluation of my application.
>Should my application for a credit card be disapproved, BDO is under no obligation to disclose the reason/s for such disapproval.
I confirm that I have accessed, read and understood the Terms and Conditions applicable to the BDO Credit Card I applied for. If my application is approved, I acknowledge that by replying CC YES to the Viber message and/or by signing at the back of the credit card and/or by using the credit card, I agree to abide by the applicable Terms and Conditions of my approved BDO Credit Card.
As the principal applicant, I agree that this application shall also serve as my application for issuance of additional BDO Credit Card/s that I may subsequently request for in the future. I understand that the issuance of additional BDO Credit Card/s shall be subject to credit evaluation and discretion of BDO and I undertake to submit additional documents as may be required to process my application and to update the information previously provided to BDO. I understand that BDO can rely on the authority given under this section unless otherwise revoked by me. I agree that in case I am issued two or more BDO Credit Cards, BDO may give a separate credit card limit for each of the Cards issued to me or a consolidated Shared Credit Card Limit for my existing and future BDO Credit Cards, expressed in Philippine Pesos. I understand that Shared Credit Card Limit is the Credit Limit assigned to a Cardholder across all issued BDO Credit Cards, except BDO Installment Card. Any request for increase in Credit Limit may be accommodated by BDO subject to the submission of required documents.
When a supplementary card is requested and subsequently issued by BDO, the signature of the Supplementary Cardholder signifies his/her agreement to be jointly and solidarily liable with the Principal Cardholder for all obligations and liabilities incurred with the use of the BDO Credit Card including the issued supplementary card. 
LEARN MORE  about the Viber message you received from BDO.


Contact us


BDO Corporate Center:

7899 Makati Avenue Makati City 0726, Philippines Trunkline: (+632) 8840-7000


BDO Contact Center:

Hotline: (+632) 8888-0000

Outside Metro Manila

(PLDT/Globelines): #8888-0000

(For landline only, press # followed by 8888-0000)

International Toll-Free:

(IAC)+800-8-CALLBDO (2255-236)

(See list of IAC here)


This channel is dedicated to handling online banking enrollment and/or updating of registered online banking contact information of overseas clients. For phishing reports, please send the email to