Complimentary Priority Pass Lounge Access

Valid for use until December 31, 2025.

Program information

You must enroll first for a Priority Pass account using your qualified card before you can access any lounge.
Simply follow these steps to enroll:
  1. Click here to visit the Priority Pass – BDO Elite Mastercard website.

  2. Enter invitation code BDOELITEMC to start the process.

  3. View the membership plan and click JOIN NOW

  4. Fill out the following required information: 

    Personal details
      -  Title
      -  Gender
      -  First name
      -  Surname
      -  Email
      -  Date of birth
      -  Telephone number

    Create Priority Pass account
      -  Username
      -  Password
      -  Security Question

    Qualified Card details
      - Cardholder’s name
      - Card number
      - Card security number
      -  Card expiry date
      -  Billing address

  5. Accept the Terms and Conditions. You will be directed to a confirmation page detailing your membership details, including your DMC.

  6. Access the DMC via the Priority Pass website or mobile app. For the first log-in, a confirmation message will appear stating that your Qualified Card can now be used to access Priority Pass airport lounges.

Once enrolled, you can now access participating lounges worldwide.

  1. Present the following:
    • DMC (found in the Priority Pass website/mobile app) OR BDO Platinum Mastercard
    • Boarding pass
  2. Inform the lounge concierge that you would like to access the lounge under Priority Pass.
  3. Lounge concierge will scan the DMC or swipe your Qualified Card to verify your membership.
  4. Once successfully verified, enter the lounge and enjoy your visit.
  1. The “Complimentary Priority Pass Lounge Access for BDO Platinum Mastercard” (“Offer”) is exclusive to Principal and Supplementary Cardholders (“Cardholder”) of BDO Platinum Mastercard (“Qualified Card”) who have been selected to receive the program notification through Viber/SMS and/or eDM. Principal Cardholder is treated separately from his/her Supplementary Cardholder.

  2. To avail of the Offer, Cardholder must have an active Priority Pass Membership. Click here to register using the invitation code BDOELITEMC to enjoy FREE Membership. Principal and Supplementary Cardholder must enroll separately.

  3. All active BDO Platinum Mastercard Cardholders are entitled to two (2) complimentary lounge visits

    • Valid for use until December 31, 2025
    • Non-transferable and non-convertible to cash

    Regular usage fee of USD 32 per person, per visit, to be charged to the Qualified Card once Complimentary Lounge Access entitlement has been fully consumed. Transaction description to reflect on the Statement of Account will be: PRIORITY PASS AIRPORT LOUNGE VISIT mmddyy

  4. The Qualified Cardholder acknowledges that the lounge access is provided by Priority Pass and agrees to its Conditions of Use found on the website and mobile app.

  5. Participating Priority Pass airport lounge details, such as location, operating hours, facilities, etc. may change at any time without prior notice.

  6. Priority Pass reserves the right to amend the privileges of the lounge access, Terms and Conditions or Conditions of Use without prior notice. Priority Pass’ decision on all matters relating to the privileges, Terms and Conditions or Conditions of Use will be at its absolute discretion and will be final and binding.

  7. BDO has the sole discretion to determine the number of complimentary Priority Pass Lounge Access to be awarded to Qualified Cardholders and any communication regarding complimentary passes shall be from BDO.

  8. BDO will not be held liable to the Cardholder for any direct or indirect loss in the event of any airport lounge closing or ceasing to participate in Priority Pass at any time. Please visit the Priority Pass website (click here) for further details and updates on their facilities.

  9. Terms and Conditions Governing the Issuance and Use of BDO Credit Cards, reminders and other provisions contained in the card carrier, statement of account, charge slips, and other documents or instruments, which are made an integral part hereof by reference, shall likewise be resorted to in instances where they are applicable to this Program.

  1. Who are qualified for the complimentary Priority Pass membership? 
    The Priority Pass Program is available to Principal and Supplementary Cardholders of BDO Platinum Mastercard whose accounts are active and current (i.e., no past due in both Peso and Dollar Accounts). Enrollment is required to avail of the benefit. 

  2. How do I enroll my Qualified Card to avail of the complimentary Priority Pass Membership? 
    Visit to enroll. Enter code: BDOELITEMC and provide the required information.

  3. I have a Qualified Supplementary Card. Do I need to enroll separately? 
    Yes, enrollment is on a per Card basis. Both Principal and Supplementary Cards need to be enrolled separately.

  1. How long is my Priority Pass Membership valid for? 
    Membership is valid for one (1) year from enrollment date.
    e.g. If Priority Pass enrollment date is June 6, 2022 membership will be valid until June 5, 2023.

  2. How do I qualify for the Priority Pass Membership automatic renewal?
    Your membership will be automatically renewed if you have at least one (1) Priority Pass airport lounge usage within your membership year.
    *Account will be reviewed four (4) months prior membership expiry.
    You will be notified via Viber or SMS regarding your membership status.

  1. If I already used my complimentary lounge access, how much will I be charged for my succeeding lounge visits?
    A lounge fee of USD32 per visit, per person applies in excess of your complimentary lounge visits. This will reflect as “PRIORITY PASS - AIRPORT LOUNGE VISIT” on your Statement of Account.

  2. Can I enter any lounge by simply presenting my Qualified Card?
    For a smooth experience, you must enroll for a Priority Pass account using your Qualified Card and present your Digital Membership Card or Qualified Card to access the lounge.

  1. What should I do if my Qualified Card is replaced or renewed?
    You must update your Priority Pass account and provide the new Qualified Card number to ensure uninterrupted access.

  2. What happens if my Qualified Card gets cancelled? 
    The Priority Pass membership is linked to the Qualified Card. Upon cancellation of the Qualified Card, the Priority Pass membership will likewise be cancelled. 

I have questions regarding Priority Pass, who can I email? 
For concerns on the Priority Pass website and/or mobile app, please send an email to 

Contact us


BDO Corporate Center:

7899 Makati Avenue Makati City 0726, Philippines Trunkline: (+632) 8840-7000


BDO Contact Center:

Hotline: (+632) 8888-0000

Outside Metro Manila

(PLDT/Globelines): #8888-0000

(For landline only, press # followed by 8888-0000)

International Toll-Free:

(IAC)+800-8-CALLBDO (2255-236)

(See list of IAC here)


This channel is dedicated to handling online banking enrollment and/or updating of registered online banking contact information of overseas clients. For phishing reports, please send the email to