Critical Illness Insurance

Get guaranteed approval of application with coverage of up to
₱2 million cash assistance to pay for medical expenses when diagnosed with any of the 51 covered critical illnesses, including cancer, stroke, and heart attack. 

Product summary

Critical Illness Benefit

  • ₱100,000 to ₱2 million coverage

Cancer Surgical Benefit

  • Up to 5% of the Critical Illness Benefit coverage

Dietary and Nutritional Benefit

  • Up to 2.5% of the Critical Illness Benefit coverage

Home Accessibility Benefit

  • Up to 2.5% of the Critical Illness Benefit coverage

Coverage Period

  • 1 year

Insurable Person

  • 18-65 years old, Philippine resident

Pre-existing medical conditions found within two years prior your policy’s effective date are not covered.  Please read the Terms and Conditions for the complete list of covered critical illnesses and more information.

Annual price per ₱100,000 Critical Illness Benefit per age

Age Bracket

18-25: ₱1,100

26-30: ₱1,450
31-35: ₱1,820


36-40: ₱2,300

41-45: ₱2,910
46-50: ₱3,650


51-55: ₱4,570

56-60: ₱5,620
61-65: ₱6,780

Covered critical illnesses

The following are the 51 covered critical illnesses.  We encourage you to read the Terms and Conditions for the definition of the critical illnesses.

  1. AIDS due to blood transfusion
  2. AIDS due to occupational accident
  3. Alzheimer’s Disease (Benefit limited to 25%)
  4. Angioplasty and Other Invasive Treatments for Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (Benefit limited to 10%)
  5. Aphasia
  6. Aplastic Anemia
  7. Bacterial Meningitis
  8. Benign Brain Tumor
  9. Blindness
  10. Cancer
  11. Carcinoma-In-Situ (Breast, Cervix Uteri, Prostate, Testicles) (Benefit limited to 25%)
  12. Cerebral Aneurysm Requiring Surgery (Benefit limited to 25%)
  13. Chronic Adrenal Insufficiency
  14. Chronic Relapsing Pancreatitis
  15. Coma
  16. Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (Benefit limited to 25%)
  17. Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease (Mad Cow Disease)
  18. Deafness
  19. Dissecting Aortic Aneurysm
  20. Ebola
  21. Elephantiasis
  22. Encephalitis
  23. End Stage Liver Disease
  24. End Stage Lung Disease
  25. Fulminant Hepatitis
  26. Heart Attack
  27. Heart Valve and Structural Surgery
  28. Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy
  29. Major Burns
  30. Major Head Trauma
  31. Major Organ Transplant
  32. Medullary Cystic Disease
  33. Motor Neuron Disease
  34. Multiple Sclerosis
  35. Muscular Dystrophy
  36. Myasthenia Gravis
  37. Necrotizing Fasciitis (Flesh Eating Disease)
  38. Paralysis
  39. Parkinson’s Disease
  40. Poliomyelitis
  41. Primary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (Benefit limited to 10%)
  42. Progressive Systemic Sclerosis
  43. Renal Failure
  44. Rheumatoid Arthritis (Benefit limited to 10%)
  45. Severance of Limbs
  46. Severe Asthma (Benefit limited to 10%)
  47. Severe Osteoporosis
  48. Stroke
  49. Surgery to Aorta
  50. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
  51. Vegetative State

Things to know before buying

  1. You cannot claim for your pre-existing medical conditions found within two years preceding the policy’s effective date.  However, any pre-existing condition first found 2 years before the policy’s effective date but have already recovered and without any treatment, consultation, prescribed drugs, or any more symptoms within the 2 years before the policy’s effective date will no longer be treated as a pre-existing condition.
  2. You cannot claim for any critical illness diagnosis occurring 90 days after the effective date of the policy.
  3. There are exclusions to the coverage of this policy, such as illnesses due to the influence or effects of alcohol or drugs. For complete details on this, please read the Terms and Conditions.
  4. The critical illness of the insured must be one of the 51 covered critical illnesses and must be the first diagnosis by a Registered Medical Practitioner to claim any of the benefits of this insurance.
  5. The value added benefits reimburse the actual expenses up to maximum amount indicated on the policy benefit schedule.
    • Cancer Surgical Treatment Benefit – reimbursement of actual expenses for the surgical fees for the treatment of cancer
    • Dietary and Nutritional Therapy Benefit – reimbursement of actual expenses for the cost of any Dietary and Nutritional Therapy as treatment for reclaiming your health
    • Home Accessibility Benefit – reimbursement of actual expenses for the cost of altering or renovating your principal residence after suffering a Stroke or a covered Cancer so your residence can be more accommodating and accessible
  6. Only the insured person can claim the benefits. In the event that he or she is a minor, or has a condition, a legal guardian may claim the benefits for them. To know more about this, please contact us at +63 (2) 8838-2364 or email us at

Frequently Asked Questions

The Critical Illness Plan provides you with a lump sum cash assistance amount that you can use for your treatment of your diagnosed critical illness. This pays on top of your other existing life insurance, health card, and PhilHealth. This insurance policy also has a wider age eligibility, so it is advisable to get one for family members who are no longer eligible for a life insurance or health card.

Kindly fill out the Claims Form and submit the medical and hospitalization records to BDO Insure at You may also contact us at +62 (2) 8838-2364 and we will guide you through the process.

For a one-year Critical Illness Plan with ₱500,000 coverage, you only have to pay ₱9,100 (₱1,820 x 5).

No. The Waiting Period states the first diagnosis of the critical illness must be 90 days from the effective date of the Critical Illness Plan to be eligible to claim on the insurance.

Disclaimer: These are only general descriptions of the benefits of this insurance products. We encourage you to learn more on how they can help secure your finances. Specific conditions and terms and conditions of the insurance policy will apply. The product details and premiums are valid as of today and may be changed without prior notice.

Contact us


BDO Insure Head Office

43/F - 44/F BDO Corporate Center Ortigas, 12 ADB Avenue, Ortigas Center, 1550, Mandaluyong City


BDO Insure Contact Center

(+632) 8838-BDOI or 8838-2364


You can also send us a message here.


Domestic Toll-Free   


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