Daily Digest



How to Read the Daily Digest


Every trading day the BDO Securities analyst team publishes the Daily Digest.  The one-page report is an informative piece that touches on some of the main highlights of the prior trading day.  The Daily Digest can be a useful tool for anyone looking to keep up to date with the daily news of the financial markets.  Below is a guide to read the Daily Digest.


Reading the Daily Digest


The Daily Digest is a three-page report broken into the following sections.

1. Market Summary
2. Macro news
3. Sector/company news
4. Market review
5. Market movers
6. Charts


Market Summary


The market summary section highlights important information regarding the previous trading day.  This will usually include information regarding the Philippine Stock Exchange Index (PSEi), as well as certain sectors and even economic news. 


Macro news



The Macro news section discusses information related to the Philippine economy.  Information featured here may include anything from BSP interest rate cuts to unemployment rate data, and more. 


Sector/company news



The Sector/company news section touches on important information regarding companies and/or sectors from the previous trading day.  If a company releases earnings or had important news events, this section may include that information.  As you can see above, multiple companies are featured including GTCAP and MPI.


Market review



Every Daily Digest highlights market data.  This is a simple yet informative way to stay up to date with specific data from the previous trading day.  The market data highlighted includes detailed data related to the Philippines, such as sector moves and the overall Philippine market return.


Market Movers



The Market movers section lists the top 5 gainers from the previous trading day as well as the top 5 losers from the previous trading day.  This is a great list to keep you updated with select companies that have made big moves.





The second page of the Daily Digest includes charts to help paint a picture of the market and overall economy.  Above you can see a section of the page showing the return of the PCOMP as well as net foreign buying/selling on the Philippine Stock Exchange.

Stock coverage



The Stock coverage section is a favorite for many investors as it shows the data regarding 40+ stocks covered by the BDO Securities analyst team.  Everything from the most recent closing price of the stocks and the year-to-date percentage changed, to the analyst ratings and upside potential.



How to find the Daily Digest

To find the Daily Digest, first, log into the Market Research window (as seen below).

Once you log into the Market Research window, you will see a list of recent reports on the left side (see below).



Since the Daily Digest is published every trading day, several of the most recent Daily Digest reports should show up.  Simply click on these reports to view the .pdf documents.


Conclusion – How to read the Daily Digest


The Daily Digest is a helpful report published each trading day.  The two-page report is organized into different sections: Market Summary, Macro news, Sector/company news, Market review, Market movers, Charts & Stock coverage.  Each section provides a small summary of useful information regarding the previous trading day.  The Daily Digest can be used by traders as a tool to stay up-to-date with important information from the prior trading day.




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