BDO Deals is now on Viber!
Don’t miss out on instant BDO updates. Just click YES to BDO Deals' first viber message!
Wherever you are in the world, you'll never miss out on all the exciting deals and offers exclusive to BDO Credit and Debit Cardholders.
Now, you can get instant updates from BDO Deals on the latest promos for shopping, dining, travel, treats, and more through Viber - a fast and secure messaging and calling app with over 1 billion users worldwide.
BDO Credit and Debit Cardholders with Viber can enjoy a more personalized user experience with the messaging app's multimedia mobile content that features essential promo details and interactive buttons/links for easy access to information.
Plus, it makes sharing your favorite BDO promos to your loved ones possible anytime, anywhere.
How to access BDO Deals on Viber
If you're a BDO Debit or Credit Cardholder, here's how you can get viber updates from BDO Deals.
Download the Viber app for FREE from the iTunes App Store or Google Play Store.
Upon receipt of an introductory message from BDO Deals, click YES to accept.
Start receiving updates from BDO Deals.
Watch out for the latest updates from BDO Deals on Viber!